Countless hours are spent tracking down information from different systems, teams, and vendors especially in operational technology environments. Perygee was designed with an interoperability mindset so security teams have the critical data they need to perform efficiently.

Perygee's import tool showing a data graph relating a product to a vendor, CVE, asset, firmware update, and security zone

Integrations & data imports

  • Integrate with existing security tools, vendor portals, ticketing, procurement, and more
  • Create custom integrations at no additional charge that run on specified time intervals
  • Import data from spreadsheets using Perygee’s best-in-class importer tool
The settings page for a 'RunZero Intergration' in Perygee's platform

Custom dashboards & reports

  • Use drag and drop widgets to create personalized dashboards that meet your reporting needs
  • Select from dozens of different widget types that go beyond just the basic pie or bar charts
  • Use simple or complex queries and filters to traverse your data and surface powerful insights
A dashboard in Perygee's platform showing a variety of widget types such as tables, asset details, and number charts

Custom automations & workflows

  • Create automated workflows to simplify processes and ensure nothing falls through the cracks
  • Easily design custom flows using a no-code visual builder to send alerts, update data, etc.
  • Trigger automations on specified time intervals, when an event occurs, or manually
The individual nodes and logic that compose a 'Check Configuration On IP Phones' automation in the Perygee platform
Perygee's mascot, Davice, is interacting with an image carousel

Ready to explore the Perygee platform?

It’s completely frictionless. Just one click on the button below to test out a full-featured product. Prefer a demo? You have that option too.

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Perygee 2023 © All rights reserved
This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply.

