Perygee gives you the tools to meet compliance with any standard or framework such as NERC CIP, HIPAA, or NIST CSF. Don’t wait for the auditors to come knocking before you get a handle on your asset inventory.

A 'NIST Framework - Asset Management' dashboard in Perygee's platform showing an 'ID.AM' table with complete/incomplete statuses

Data consolidation

  • Bring data into Perygee from different systems and teams to simplify evidence collection
  • Create custom data fields that align with desired compliance standards
  • Unified data makes it easy to define risk and identify risk profiles for your asset inventory
Perygee's import tool showing a data graph relating a product to a vendor, CVE, asset, firmware update, and security zone

Real-time monitoring

  • Continuous monitoring ensures there is no last minute scramble to meet compliance standards
  • Use automations to identify when new patches are available and when assets are updated
  • Audit logs maintain an accurate history of all changes to your data and assets
A dashboard in Perygee's platform showing alerts for out-of-date firmware and action buttons for new tickets or rescanning

Configurable reports & dashboards

  • Create custom reports to comply with common standards (e.g. NERC CIP, HIPAA)
  • Add custom checks using automations to meet your organizations unique needs
  • Easily update reports and dashboards to incorporate new frameworks or standards
A dashboard in Perygee's platform showing complete, incomplete, and total open issues
Perygee's mascot, Davice, is interacting with an image carousel

Ready to explore the Perygee platform?

It’s completely frictionless. Just one click on the button below to test out a full-featured product. Prefer a demo? You have that option too.

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Perygee 2023 © All rights reserved
This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply.

